Tour with spanish group
Angkor Wat lies 5.5 kilometres (3+1⁄2 mi) north of the modern town of Siem Reap, and a short distance south and slightly east of the previous capital, which was centred at Baphuon. In an area of Cambodia where there is an essential group of ancient structures, it is the southernmost of Angkor’s main sites
Angkor Wat lies 5.5 kilometres (3+1⁄2 mi) north of the modern town of Siem Reap, and a short distance south and slightly east of the previous capital, which was centred at Baphuon. In an area of Cambodia where there is an essential group of ancient structures, it is the southernmost of Angkor’s main sites
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Cancela con hasta 24 horas de anticipación para recibir un reembolso completo.
Se han implementado medidas especiales de salud y seguridad. Verifique su cupón de actividad una vez que reserve para obtener todos los detalles.
Mantenga sus planes de viaje flexibles: reserve su lugar y no pague nada hoy.